Old World Ways

I'm kicking this post off with photo showing traditional Bohemian dress to segue to this 1904 article from the Chicago Tribune that gives an interesting description of Bohemian life in the city.

"Simple, colorful, comfortable," do you agree?

I found this picture of a Bohemian head shawl circa 1890 but it doesn't match my idea of simple, colorful, comfortable so I'm unsure which of the photos is closer to that of the day. 

I did some research on the circle dance and this was the best video I found. Looks like fun.

Czech bread is called 'houska'. It's a braided sweet bread. Some of Charles and Mary Vokoun's great grandchildren fondly recall how good it was when their grandmother baked it. I found a recipe in case you are inclined to make some. Send me a loaf, please?!

St. Procopius is still an active Catholic Parish for anyone who has become "lax in your religious duties." It now serves a mostly Hispanic congregation.

St. Procopius altar

It defies our modern sensibilities to read about women depicted as model housewives. At least the author, thought we were good at it. He doesn't elaborate much except to describe their bread. As for the men, I guess we fare somewhat better. I have always worried that I had less brain than brawn (which isn't saying much) and I now realize that for years my employer has been requesting my 'sinews' and not my 'sincere views' which explains so very much. Lastly, can we all all agree that we Bohemians "are...in conversation unconventional with total disregard for personalities?" An observation which begs the question - is anybody up for a chat?!


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