A Smokin' Racoon

Ranger Rick says, "kids, don't play with fire in the woods." Careful kids, you could choke on the smoke. My son is taking European History. His friends have taken to calling him "Hapsburg" because he is a German Catholic. That is probably the single nerdiest nickname I can think of. By the way, the Hapsburgs were the primary monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire in Central Europe during the Middle Ages and they play a major role in Bohemian history. I'll talk about them another time. But I tell you this nickname in order to ask is that really the best that a bunch of smart-mouthed teens can come up with? When they have so much to work with here? (Don't worry, I'll get to the raccoon.) This post is about going through life with a name like Vokoun. For those of you reading who were not saddled with a weird, mispronounced name blessed to carry on the unique family heritage, you may not fully grasp the lifelong quandary of how to respond when someone says...