History of Bohemia Part II - Přemysl and His Dynasty

This is a story of legends, visions, saints, kingdoms and hazel nuts. Premyslid Coat of Arms, the Flaming Black Eagle The history of Bohemia continues. I promise that there will a point to the history as it relates to Bohemian and our family's immigration to America. After fall of Rome, the Celts intermixed with Slavish tribes of Eastern Europe and Europe fell into the Dark Ages. Czech national identity and Czech statehood arose during the emergence from the Dark Ages. Just like the King Arthur and the rise of British identity began with Dark Age legend, so too it does with the Czechs. The beginning of the Czech people begins with the legend of Přemysl and Princess Libuše. The Chronica Boëmorum , written in Latin by Cosmas, a priest from Prague, in the 12th century, gives us the story. It describes the first inhabitants of Bohemia as a people who lived very simply and did not know alcohol, marriages, private property or weapons. However, as time passed, they came to embrace injust...